An iron infusion is a safe and convenient procedure that doctors may prescribe to certain patients. Here’s what to expect during your first iron infusion Vancouver treatment.

An iron infusion is the process of delivering iron through an intravenous line that is inserted into the body, typically in your arm. Your doctor may have prescribed this treatment after finding out that you have low iron levels or that your body isn’t absorbing it well enough.

You may be a little nervous the first time you receive an IV infusion treatment. Don’t worry—our team at Wellspring IV is trained to make your experience as comfortable and easy as possible. Plus, we’ll review everything you need to know before your appointment.

Wellspring IV is proud to offer a new, state-of-the-art IV infusion clinic conveniently located on Broadway in Vancouver. Our expert team of registered nurses, pharmacists, and medical director are here to assist you every step of the way.

This post will cover what you should expect during and after your first iron infusion Vancouver treatment. Keep reading to learn more.

Iron Infusion Vancouver: What to Expect During Your Treatment

Who Should Get IV Iron?

Infusion treatment is something you should discuss with your doctor.

Before going for an iron infusion, your doctor will conduct a series of blood tests to determine whether your levels are low. If your test results confirm that your body does not have enough iron, your doctor may advise you to book an IV iron infusion.

We know it can be a little intimidating if you’ve never had an iron infusion before. For this reason, our clinic strives to provide you with a safe, comfortable, and convenient experience. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have throughout the process.

What to Expect During Your First Iron Infusion Vancouver Treatment

As soon as we receive your referral, we will book your first appointment within one week and set up subsequent appointments as required.

On the day of your appointment, it’s best to arrive a few minutes before your scheduled time so that you can ask any questions you may have. We may also use this time to complete paperwork and payment.

A trained registered nurse will administer your IV infusion with physician oversight.

Below is a closer look at our pre-assessment and IV insertion processes.

Pre-Assessment Process

  1. The day before your booked appointment, Wellspring IV staff will call you to do a thorough COVID screening and provide a reminder phone call for your appointment.
  2. Our team will arrange for medication to be dropped off at the clinic. No need for you to worry about this yourself!
  3. Once you park and arrive at the clinic, you will be welcomed by the nurse and support staff. Please note that in order to get free parking at Wellspring IV, our staff will provide you with specific instructions prior to your appointment day in order for your parking to be fully covered.
  4. Our support staff will then confirm your identity by asking for two identifiers.
  5. Next, you can make yourself comfortable in our recliner chairs. The nurse will then take your vitals (BP, HR, temperature, respiratory rate, O2 sat).
  6. Afterwards, the nurse will do a thorough assessment of your current health by asking a series of questions.

IV Insertion Process

  1. If no contraindications are present during your pre-assessment, the nurse will insert the IV. In order to do this, the nurse will first apply heat packs to your arm to make the veins more visible.
  2. Next, we will apply a tourniquet around your arm and insert a needle into a vein.
    • Once blood return is present, indicating the needle is in the vein, it is removed. What is left in the arm is a plastic catheter.
    • The IV is then flushed with 10mL of Normal Saline to ensure IV is patent.
  3. Once an IV is established, the nurse will mix the medication.
  4. We will then do a test dose to ensure your body responds positively to the treatment. This can help prevent any unexpected reactions. We will stop the process if you experience any adverse side effects during the test dose.

You may experience mild discomfort or pressure due to the needle prick or intravenous drip in your arm.

We always do our best to provide you with comfortable seating options and privacy during your appointments. Additionally, we offer complimentary Wi-Fi and refreshments that you are free to enjoy throughout your session.

How Long Does an Iron Infusion Treatment Take?

The process usually takes up to 3 or 4 hours in total. However, your treatment duration depends on the dose you require and your body weight. It will also depend on the type of iron ordered, which is completely up to the physician’s discretion. 

Keep in mind that you might need multiple treatment sessions. Depending on your doctor’s advice, you can do these sessions for a few weeks or months.

What to Expect After Your Iron Infusion Treatment

You may experience mild side effects after your iron infusion. Common side effects include:

  • Pain in the joints
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling at the injection site

If you experience any severe side effects, contact your doctor immediately. Serious side effects include low blood pressure, shock, loss of consciousness, and anaphylaxis.

Your doctor may ask you to return for more iron infusions based on your response to therapy. Depending on your body’s tolerance, they may also increase or reduce the dosage.

A Few Things to Consider

Before receiving your first iron infusion, you should ask your doctor how best to prepare for your upcoming appointment. It’s also a good idea to have someone there with you for your first treatment because it may be a bit uncomfortable and tiring.

In most cases, you will not be required to fast before your treatment. You can also continue taking your regular medications if your doctor recommends you do so. After your treatment, you can carry on with your usual activities as normal.

Final Thoughts

Iron infusions are a safe, effective treatment option for patients who have been referred by their doctor.

Finally, if you live in the Vancouver area, be sure to check us out. We are conveniently located close to Vancouver General Hospital, parking, public transit, and are wheelchair accessible.

If you have been prescribed Iron infusion treatment by your doctor, you can book your IV iron infusion Vancouver appointment here.
